Lost 2 lbs.

I lost 2 lbs. Not the greatest but not a gain. I didn't try my best these 2 weeks, I mostly did my own thing, a few deserts here and there and I didn't worry about the calorie intake.

They, meaning trainers and physical physicians, says the first 1 week of dieting, you should have a goal set in your mind. Like for an example, loose 15 lbs. in one month or fit in those old jeans that you had for the longest time. Setting this goal will give you an reminder on why you are doing dieting in the first place and to keep on doing it. Right now, write you goal on a piece of paper and put it on the ice box or in your car. Place it somewhere that you will see it everyday and it will keep on reminding you and won't let you grab those donuts in the morning or go out for a fast restaurant cheese burger.

My goal is to loose 30 lbs. before my trip to Maine in June. To get fit to walking on the rough trails in the Bar Harbor, National Park. Also, to keep up with my Mom, which I'm taking on the trip, at all the Portland shopping stores. I have 3 more months to go and have set my goal paper on my door, so I can see it before I go out in the morning and when I get home at night. I also, have it at my work space so I don't get a candy bar from the vending machine.

"I know I can do this and so can you, too."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good girl I know you can do it.
Keep up the good work !!!!!!!!


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