Nutrition Label

It's hard to read the Nutrition Labels on food packages on the back. Half the time, I don't know what I'm looking at...numbers, percents, servings, grams ... oh my. I don't know, if the number it too high or too low of grams per serving or what it the moderate number, which is good for you? Ugh! make it stop.

But we can not stop reading the label. Our society, today, are making foods last longer and not healthy for us. They have weird food matter in ingredients, I can't even pronouns them in English. You need a dictionary to understand what it is what. They even have pesticides in some foods. Yuck.

• Rule #1 - Check the Serving Size and Servings Per Container.
• Rule #2 - Check the Calories. See Image, 1 cup but 2 servings meaning the Calories is double if you have the whole package of food.
• Rule #3 - Check the Total Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. You definitely want low number of grams. Also, to give you head up on the trans fats, if a product contains 0.5 or less grams of trans fat, the company can claim the product has 0% trans fat. So, if you see at 0%, it still has some trans fat in it. Website on Trans Fat.
• Rule #4 - Check the Sugar.
• Rule #5 - Check the Dietary Fiber and the Vitamins. You want these to be high number.
The quick guide to % Daily Value = 5% or less is low and 20% or more is high.
If you want to read more in detail, you can click on this website (U.S. Food & Drug Administration).

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