Rough Day

I had a rough day, yesterday. I just wanted to go back to bed and sleep the day away.

Have you ever had those days, anything or anyone around you just arritate you? Something just tick me off, inside and I want to scream (I did it in my car during my lunch hour). But the screaming didn't work, I even went to the store to walk it off but no luck. I felt anger, upset, pissed off with the world and everything else around me. I didn't want to think about paying bills, my sugar level or even dieting. After work, I bought a chocolate brownie and large pizza, so I didn't have to worry about doing the dishes.

I know it was a big mistake on buying the pizza and brownie, and I regret it of eating it. I threw away the bread of the pizza except 3 slices and the brownie, well, that was gone fast with a glass of milk. I know my weigh-in tomorrow will be bad.

And I know I when I'm pissed off the next time with the world, I should brush it off my shoulders and walk it off, maybe window shop and try to keep an open mind and think of other things.

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