
What's up, doc? Not all vegetable are for the rabbit. Carrots are the top of the list of vegetables. They are a great source of Vitamin A for our eyes, arteries to our liver. Eating carrots increases the levels of red blood cells and protect against radiation. And one more thing about carrot, they are the source of protection against CANCER.

Cooking carrots is a great side dish for your vegetable and a wonder snack. You can make puree of carrot to juice them and making pancakes. Also, you can eat the leaves on the carrots. It might be bitter tasting but the nutrition out of it, is better than the carrot itself. So, put some in you salad or your juice making.

Cancer, Circulatory, Digestive, Respiratory

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like juice of the carrot only.,
but carrot cake is good , too.


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