Weigh In = Gain 2 lbs.

I feel that I'm never going to leave the 300-teens poundage. Up and down, the scale goes. Frustrated, Sad and Tried. Never ending story for these couple of weeks. UGH.

But I (you) (we) got to keep moving, inspiring and having a positive attitude to keep being healthy and living happy. I know that I must move more, push myself to do more rather than sitting on the couch and watching my late night TV. I should be doing more walking. NO more eating out, cook my meals inside. Press forward and never say gain. Think about my Goal (loose 30 lbs. before June). I still have time to meet my goad and I'm going to motivate myself to do it.


Anonymous said...

Keep moving you can do it, I know you can. I gain 2 over the weekend. But I will get back down. If I could you can, too.

Joan said...


Anonymous said...

I'm here for you! Glad that you stopped by my blog! Hope the shopping list helped. The Eat clean books are fab! Stop by anytime, I'll be your cheerleader!

BITR Country Girl said...

Don't worry I gained 3 pounds and have maintained it for a little over two weeks now! So don't beat yourself up, we're all in this together!


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