Pantene - Beautiful Lengths

Being a cancer victim, I came very close on board to a life changing situation, but I caught my disease at a early time. I had uterus cancer last year and the cancer didn't spread to my major organs. I had to have a fully hysterectomy surgery and internal radiation. It was the roughest 6 months of my life and I had to overcoming the situation I can't have kids. I'm still not out of the loop, just yet, it can still come back but I'm going to fight it all the way. Today, cancer is becoming an outbreak disease like the flu. Small or big situation, everyone has a little bit of cancer cells in their body, but I didn't know, at highest rate that heavy weight people can get it even it is not in her family history.

When I was there at the hospital, there were a lot of other people doing the fully radiation and they say that the hardest, emotional thing is loosing your hair as a women. Pantene Hair Products has a promotion to cut your hair at 8 inches long and donation to create free wigs for women who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment. When I went thru internal radiation, they told me that my hair will be OK but I did loose more then some. I felt scared, frustrated and sad. I mean beside loosing my women hood of having children, I was loosing some of my dignity.

I have been growing my hair for about one year and I think next year, it will be long enough to share to those who need a little self-esteem. My Aunts, Cousins, my Dad and everyone else who had/has cancer that you can contribute a small piece of your heart, HAIR, and help someone fight for their strength to live a little better in our fight of cancer. Website click here.

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