30 Minutes of Exercise - That All

Most of us hate, dislike or really don't want do to exercise. It sometimes feels like a chore in life that we all have to do. Remember the days, when our mothers or fathers gave us a job chore to do when we were young like take out the garbage or do the dishes. We hated to get up and move our bodies and do the chore. It interrupts our daily life and what we like to do.

Well, TODAY, NOW, as adults, we do our chores automatically because it's a must. We still don't like to do them but you can have FUN with it. There are so many different exercise out there. Try one and see it you like it, then stick with it.

For me, I always want to try 'Tia-Chi'. I like it, a lot. It relaxes me with my stress and nerves and gives me a work out, too.

Challenge yourself to move more. Extend your exercise an extra 5 minutes every other day, when you get comfortable on what you are doing now. Put different exercise routine in your exercise on every other day. Walk your dog on Monday & Wednesday and on Tuesday & Thursday go to the gym. Different routine will keep you motivated to continue.

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