One Piece of Good Chocolate a Day - that What the Doctor's Order

One square of good-quality chocolate can go a long way in curbing cravings. Chocolate is not only permitted in a healthy eating program but actually encouraged. But stick to dark chocolate. Not only does the stronger flavor give you more satisfaction for every bite, but the antioxidant properties of dark chocolate have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, and diabetes. Dark chocolate is also a good source of magnesium, iron, and potassium, and it boosts serotonin, which can have a positive influence on your mood.

I always have bite size Dove dark chocolate in my kitchen and in my drawl at my office desk at work. Its a little treat after doing a hard working day. Dove, also, has no sugar raspberry flavor. So, having a piece of chocolate every day is relaxing, indulgent ... and healthy, not to mention, it tastes good.

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