Lazy Weekend

From all the hard work and craziness going on this week at work, I decided I needed the weekend off to relax and don't worry about life.

It's good once a while to give yourself a day off from work and life. I went out for a picnic to a park near by, ate a 6" turkey and roast beef sub with root beer (I only drink one can of soft drink once a month cause of the sugar and it makes me wild up). Watch a couple of movies like "Juno" which I thought it was a good story. Also, "Becoming Jane" which it was hard to understand with the English talk but I like it and yes, I did cried at the end.

On how life is treating us, like high taxes, gasoline priced are rising, work is too hard and everything else is going to FAST, take a moment to breathe, take a walk in the woods or a park, listen to what is around you and break away and just breathe. You will thank me for it. Everyone deserves to take a break from realty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend! Be sure to send me your pic in your jeans/shorts for the challenge:


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