It Could Be Worse

It's Monday morning and "I should have stayed in bed." Did you ever have one of those days that everything goes wrong? My hair was a mess and frizzy. My body ached from the exercise I did this weekend. Made burnt toast ... TWICE. You go to work and the printer starts jamming, so you got to call maintenance. UGH!!!

What I do, is STOP everything and RELAX for 15 minutes and breathe. Make a cup tea or some other relaxing drink you might like. Breathe in and out slowly. Collect yourself and think 'It can be worse.' Then move on to the next task for the day.

Believe it or not, those couple minutes of relaxation will calm your nerves and muscles, making you your day go a little smoother. What do you do for relaxation or when you have a bad day?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have a good idea. I get
those day too. thanks


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