Weight Loss Pills

There are so many weight loss pills out there on the market that are not approved by the FDA. The way I see it, if is not approved, it's not worth taking it. Sure there are pills that can help you and help you loosing weight but if you doctor doesn't prescribe it, you know it's not good for you heart.

Also, the side effects on of these pills are hoariness. The MyAlli pill, I heard that you run to the bathroom a lot. That would be hard to take, if you work in an office and you are in the meet or can't go anywhere cause you don't know where are the nearest bathrooms are. Hoodia, a pill that cut down on cravings, please sounds like the pill is telling you what to do instead of you being under control of your body. The Phentermine Pill, (someone comment from yesterday article), I research that they can hurt you heart and not very effect. Sorry, seller but I only have one heart and the list of heart out there are too long and I want to stick it out with this one. Plus, remember some of these pills due hurt your stomach and liver, you only have one of those.

In my opinion 'DON'T TAKE IT'. If you cut back on junk food and cut down on high fat foods. Eat plenty of vegetables and lean protein and get exercise. Just get moving. Walk, Dance, do some gardening. You'll get there. Not overnight, but you didn't gain it overnight either.

If you are taking these pills, please, please talk to your doctor and ask them. They didn't go to medical school for 10 year for nothing. They do have the knowledge than we do. Even ask your health insurance advisor, if your medical care cover Nutrition Dietitians advisor for you health. BE SAFE!

1 comment:

Namų Darkytoja said...

I'm still amazed, that such a big industry is made out of weight loss - yeah, it is a problem, but it has one, clear and effective solution - eat less, move more. That's it!
And that diet pill hustle is the biggest scam in all this business, just playing on hopes and feelings of overweight people, and making money simply out of air...
What is the most sad, that majority of people still believe, that some 'magic' pills, that will help to shed weight only by taking them, really exist - http://www.votetheday.com/polls/effective-diet-pills-221/
Wake up people!


This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.