Temptation in the Work place

Today, at work, someone brought in Wedding cookies, from pastry with icing to finger sugar lady-locks to brownie bars to chocolate candy. I don't know about you, but cookies/bars are my best nibbling snack friends. I love to have cookies with my hot tea in the morning, it's so gooood. But I have to be proud of myself, I didn't have one cookie or bar. Yeah! I mostly, just stayed out of the kitchen.

Temptation in the work place is are to over come the snacking. Try to fill yourself with tea or water. Have your green tea or black tea to kill your appetite. Have a piece of sugar-free gum, something to chew in your mouth. Or even have those 100 calories bars (Hershey's or Kraft).

Most of all, stay out of the kitchen. If you have to go in there like get water or you lunch from the ice box, just focus on one thing by getting you item. DO NOT browse around and start looking what in the venting machine or on the table for the donuts. FOCUS and GET OUT.

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