
Heart doesn't begin with the letter "A" but Apple does. The vitamin C in apples helps keep your cholesterol levels stable (even lowers the levels by 10% by having 2 apples a day). Also, the pectin, which is a solution in apples, carries out lead and mercury from your body safely. The malic and tartaric acids in apples helps to balance the acid by-products of indigestion and helps your body cope with leftover protein or fatty foods. So, when cooking, put an apple in your dish like purée an apple on your pork or stuffed an apple in your goose.

Eating RAW apples are great source for our body's digestive system. People who suffer from arthritis, rheumatism and gout should eat apples regularly. This fruit is an wonderful detox especially after the holidays.

Apple : Circulatory - Digestive - Joints

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love apples , I know when I eat
an apple I feel good all day.


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