
I have been very tried, lately with work and life, itself. Last week, I worked a 10 hour shift and there was no lunch break or time to breath. I was lucky to get a chance to go to the bathroom. Everyone get those days at work when it comes to deadlines or even life with go shopping and getting chores done. Your head want to explode with all the pressure. Your body get so exhausted and leak that you just want to take a break of all duties. And that what I did. I put the scale, workout dvds, calories book and even the sports bra away for one week (well, maybe a week and half).

I felt awful later because I went on the scale and saw that I gained 5 lbs. I don't feel good about it but I do feel a little better with less stress. I believe, it's OK to take a break to release the stress of pressure. Like doctors says, stress does gain weight.

So, beside relaxing and doing nothing, I got a canvas and painted my stress and went wild and crazy on it. I have not painted for more over 10 years and it was a mess but fun to do. I call it 'Night Eclips'. It look better when its in the dark with candles are lit.

So, what I am saying, it is good to take a break from dieting to release your anger and stress from your body. Do something fun, something you always want to do, will be a good start to go back and face your problems and aggression.

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