Morning Tips

Tip 1: Start you day with breakfast
You can have some small like an apple, orange or banana. Get something in you stomach for energy rather than an empty tank. Half of bagel or muffin is enough to get your body full of energy.

Tip 2: Get Moving
Take a 10 minute walk or light exercise like stretching every morning. Get your blood flowing and your muscles active.

Tip 3: 10 am Snack
Have a light snack in the morning before lunch. It will suppress your appetite at lunch so you don't go for that sweet cookie.

Tip 4: Prepare your food the night before
Figure out the night before you get up in the morning so you have time to exercise. Also, it will help you prepare the right choices of healthy food while you are full rather than your stomach empty and hungry.

Tip 5: Replace Sugar Coffee
Skip those sugar cappocho coffee - smoothies. Those coffee are 4x its sugar than honey. If you must have them, choose every other day and get tea. Teas are more health and herbal for your body. Or have a fruit smoothie with water (with an add of little sugar). You can make them at home and it will save money for gas for your car.


Anonymous said...

I find that preparation the night before ensure that I have a healthy day the next morning. I plan my workouts and my snacks for the next day in accordance with whether or not I am going out for lunch or dinner. Right now it still requires effort on my part, but hopefully with time, will will become automatic.

Anonymous said...

Grapes are good also. They are
water sweet I like them.


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