Never Say Diet

I love this website, "Never Say Diet", just the title alone is great. The website has great tips on health and video to loose those pounds with fitness. Jillian Michaels, from the Biggest Lose show, has few tips on fitness to target your shape. Check it out. Its a great bookmark on your favorite browser to motivate you to succeed your goals.

Discovery Health

Discovery Channel has health tips on gaining your life back and loosing weight. Great tips on dieting and fitness. They have professional doctors give your tips on a lot of categories of dieting. Plus, they discuss diseases and condition on how to prevent it and maintain it. Discovery Health, also, has tools to check on your health. Join their FREE National Body Challenge for 2009. Its still not too late to get on board. Start now. Click Here.

5 Things to Check to Prevent Heart Disease

1. Check your Blood Pressure
Normal blood pressure is 119/79. Prehypertension is 120 - 139/80 - 89. Anything above that range is considered high.

2. Check you Cholesterol
High cholesterol can lead to heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Cholesterol is considered abnormal when: Total cholesterol is 200 or higher. HDL (good cholesterol) is less than 40. LDL (bad cholesterol is more than 160.

3. Check your Body Mass Index (BMI)
This is quick way to measure body fat. Use Web MD's BMI calculator to see where you stand. A BMI of 18.5-24.9 is ideal, 25-29.9 is overweight, 30-39 indicates obesity and 40 or more indicates morbid obesity. You can change this by starting NOW, its not too late.

4. Check you Blood Sugar
If you are overweight and under-active, you may be at risk for type 2 diabetes which increases numerous health risks including heart disease. A fasting blood sugar test is the most common way to diagnose diabetes. A normal fasting blood sugar is less than 100. Pre-diabetes is 100-125 and 126 or greater indicates diabetes.

5. Check your Activity Level
Are you a couch potato? Doctors recommend you get 30 minutes of exercise a day. That can be anything from walking to swimming to biking - Whatever. Don't have 30 minutes at a time? Take 3 ten-minute walks during the day. Anything is better than nothing.

Dietribe - MyLifeTime TV

"DietTribe" is Lifetime's new reality series that follows the emotional journey of five friends as they attempt to go from "fat" to "fit." These women have made a commitment to lose their unwanted pounds together.

Close friends Anna Lloyd (30, Pasadena, California), Lydia Moody (26, Los Angeles),Megan Stewart (29, Anaheim, California), Shawna McClellan (27, Anaheim, California) and Morgan Lancaster (31, Monrovia, California) have stuck together through thick and thin, sharing a strong bond that has lasted for many years.

Over the course of 90 days, Anna, Lydia, Megan, Shawna and Morgan will try to turn their poor habits into healthy choices by attempting to lose 30 pounds or more with the help of their trainer and therapist.

Oprah - Live Your Best Life

Oprah is have this week (Jan. 5-9, 2009) a few serious about to Live Your Best Life. - Topics of Falling off the wagon, Dr. Oz, Spiritual, Money and Sex 101. Check it out for yourself - Click Here. I got to watch Dr. Oz on Tuesday and I was a lot of information on feel health again beside of loosing weight. On the website, Oprah and Dr. Oz will be having a live chat online on January 13 to answer question that you might have about health and loosing weight. Register and ask a question. Also, get Dr. Oz workout check list in getting health and loosing weight.

Here is Dr. Oz check list:

1. Find a doctor and schedule a check up. During you first visit at the doctors look around and see if the staff get along from one another, are they board certified and so on. When I see my doctor I always have a list of questions on a piece of paper so I don't forget to him/her. Tell the doctor everything even its sore tooth.

2. Know the five ingredients to avoid. High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Enriched, Trans Fat and Saturated Fats.

3. the healthy foods to add to your diet. Antioxidants (tomatoes, broccoli, kidney beans, blueberries, artichokes and prunes), Omega-3 Fats (Increase your intake of omega-3 fats to 3 grams a day - ground flaxseeds, walnuts, salmon, scallops, soybeans and squash), Fiber (Oatmeal, 100 percent whole grain bread, lentils, pine nuts, peas and raspberries), Olive Oil (about a tablespoon every day).

4. Take a multivitamin every single day. premenopausal woman (multivitamin that contains iron) and postmenopausal woman or a man (multivitamin without iron and no more than 2,500 units of vitamin A).

5. Know your numbers. Waist Size (about 40 inches for men, 37 inches for women), Cholesterol (LDL, or lousy cholesterol, to be less than 100 and HDL, or healthy cholesterol, to be greater than 40), Resting Heart Rate (close to 60), Blood Surgar, Vitamin D (bones), C-Reactive Protein (This is a way to tell if your body is full of inflammation and irritation), Thyroid Stimulating Hormone TSH (Oprah learned the hard way confession - a simple blood test).

6. Find a health advocate. When you are under stress from doctors' diagnoses or are too sick to speak up for yourself, it's crucial to have someone helping you. Get someone who you trust and make them your partner in this process.

7. Organize your medical records. Get an updated copy of your medical file before you leave the doctor's office, just in case you need to see another physician.

8. Get the medical tests you need. Human Papilloma Virus, Oral exam, Cervical, Weight Waist Height BMI, Tetanus, Whooping cough, Physical Exam, Blood pressure, Influenza, Sking cancer, Eye exam, Thyroid, Prostate, Cholesterol, Pneumovax, Breast, Colon, Shingles, Echocardiagram and Stress test, Bone Mineral Density and Hearing exam.

9. Start exercising. Start Walking 10,000 steps a day, Get your heart rate up, Flexibility (Dr. Oz Yoga Lesson) and Strength Training (Dr. Oz Workout).

10. Get seven to eight hours of sleep a night.

The Biggest Loser - Season 7

The Biggest Loser is on tonight, NBC. Don't miss it. There have a 19-year old who is the biggest weight that they ever had, 471 lbs. See how he changes his life from the beginning.

Happy New Resolution 2009

It's back to the drawling board. I did a few things on my list of resolution last year, 2008. I made a blog of movies and weight loss. I bought my canon camera and took a lot of photos of nature. I actually finished a my book which I don't like to read fiction books - I mostly like to read from the internet. But there is one honest thing that I did gave up on and it was to loose weight. I did accomplish to loose some weight but I gain it all back. My starting weight for January 5 of 2009 is 316 lbs. UGH!

For my new resolution for 2009, I going to accomplish to make small goals for each month and keep it with it. For example, the month of January, I only taking in 1600 calories a day and exercise twice a week for an hour.

I think that making small goals to accomplish something big, is the right way to do. Wish me good luck and I hope you all join with me in loosing weight and achieving my and your goals for 2009.


This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.